About ICDB
Please see the project progress page for what we're working on now and what's planned for the future.Contact information
Please send questions and feedback to:
- Nathan Lord, [email protected]
ICDB authors
- Dan O'Sullivan, Louisiana State University ([email protected])
- Dr. Nathan P. Lord, Louisiana State University ([email protected] | The Lord Lab)
- Hannah I. Weller, Brown University ([email protected])
- Dr. Camilla R. Sharkey, University of Minnesota ([email protected])
- Dr. Bodo Wilts, Adolphe Merkle Institute ([email protected])
The construction and maintenance of this database is partially supported by National Science Foundation DEB grant #1841704 to Nathan P. Lord et al. ICDB is also generously supported by the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center and their Information Technology Department.
We would like to acknowledge the following individuals and institutions for their support and assistance in the development of this project:
- M. Andrew Johnston (Arizona State University) - Symbiota and Ecdysis support
- John Shields and Mary Ard (Georgia Electron Microscopy Center) - TEM data
- Andrew Garcia and Fred Piazza (LSU AgCenter IT) - IT systems support
We would like to acknowledge the numerous graduate students who assisted in generating data for the ICDB, reviewing workflows, and testing operations. Special thanks go to Able Chow and Sierra Weir (Louisiana State University).
We would like to acknowledge the following individuals for their numerous intellectual discussions about directions of this resource: Heather Hines and Briana Ezray (Penn State University), Nathan Morehouse (University of Cincinnati), Ainsley Seago (Carnegie Museum of Natural History), and Paul Marek (Virginia Tech University).
We would like to thank Alex Wild for allowing his image use for the ICDB webpage.
Thanks to Ben Clark for his invaluable advice on front end web development.
We would like to thank Jennifer Robison (Bossier Parish Community College) for her numerous helpful conversations on imaging and editing.